Higasa the Kensai

Higasa the Kensai

Name: Higasa
Race: Human
Ethnic Group: Ochelean
Sex: Male
Class: Kensai

Age: 24
Alignment: LG
level: 9


HP: 93

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 169lb
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black top knot 2 foot length
Skin: Darkly Tanned
Right handed
Oriental features, slightly uncouth


Riding Horse (Charger quality)

Money: 320pp

Higasa was a Kensai, a sword-saint, who traveled the world in order to find the ultimate katana. He was convinced that this was to made of the fabuolous material, Eog. Before he met his end at the, err, eye of a demilich, he saw many strange sights. Those include: