Ordana (Hierarch of Time)
Forest Mother, Thendara
Alignment: NG or N
Sex: Female
Race: Treant
AD&D Plane: The Outlands
Clerical Alignment: Any Neutral
Followers Alignment: Any

Symbol: An Oak Leaf

Interests: Forests, Nature, Woodland Creatures

Required Abilities: Wisdom 12
Charisma 15

Skills and Powers abilities:

Weapons Allowed: Any Druidic

Spells Granted:
All (Major)
Animal (Major)
Elemental (Major)
Healing (Major)
Plant (Major)
Sun (Major)
Weather (Major)

Granted Powers:

Glaive abilities:

Under construction

Worshipped in: Minrothad (Wood Elves), and by most forest races other than elves

A relic of Ordana.
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Glenn Butcher / knight