Deities known to the seekers

Outer world


Asterius                Thieves, merchants
Djaea                   Natural world
Ka the preserver        Hollow world
Maat                    Multi-talented people, paladins
The twelve watchers     Craftsmen
Valerias                Passion, romance
Wayland                 The Smith
Tarastia                Justice
Karaash			Orcs
Khoronus                Time
Orcus			Mass destruction
Ordana                  The forest
Protius                 The Old Man of the Sea
Korotiku                Tricks, knowledge
Koryis                  Peace
Noumena                 Puzzles
Ssu-Ma                  Literacy, writing
Tiresias                Bards
Tyche                   Adventurers, luck
Talitha                 Thieves
Thanatos                Death
Vanya                   War

Racial deities

Chiron                  Centaurs
Faunus                  Satyrs
Garal Glittergold       Gnomes
Kagyar                  The Artisan, Dwarves
Rafiel			Shadow Elves

(Former) Alfheim

Ilsundal                Elves
Mealiden Starwatcher    Elves, light hearted heroes


(many general deities popular here)
Church of Darokin
The twelve watchers (q.v.)


(religion tightly controlled)


(most general deities less popular here)
Church of Karameikos
Church of Traladara
Petra (q.v.)
Zirchev (q.v.)
Halav (q.v.)
Chardastes              Healing, wandering healers
Morgan                  Healing, protection
Lighthaft               Paladins
Athena (q.v.)   


Calithia Star-brow		Oceans, Sea elves

Northern Reaches

Odin                    Wise living, rulers
Hel                     Death, reincarnation
Thor                    Warriors
Nyx                     Undead, night
Frey                    Intelligent battle, animals, comradeship
Freyja                  Heroes, plants, comradeship
Loki                    Trickery, betrayal
Forsetta                Vestland, law
Sif                     Excellence


Kagyar (q.v.)
Dwengarlin              The earth father


Acchanital              corruption
Ahumani                 turtles, whales
Arikha                  ancient demon imprisoned by Himayeti
Asuradha                trade, thieves
Athaksha                demon of violence and rage
Atrughanya              longevity, safety
Auraksha                demon of slaughter
Ayazi/Himayeti/Aksyri   sun; creation, protection, destruction
Ayodhnal                mischief
Bhaskar                 neutral creatures
Bhrisrada               treacherous offerings
Chandri                 malevolent creatures
Danal                   tigers, hunting
Dhalani                 willpower
Dhamurgana              demon of destruction
Ganetra                 wisdom
Gharal                  invention
Gurjakha                giants
Halavan                 warfare, defense
Hathanya                bears, comfort
Isrundra                wisdom, magic
Jaivana                 survival, protection of land
Jammudaru               demon of destruction of art and beauty
Jirchava                animals
Kaghara                 arts
Kah                     protection of creatures
Kala                    destruction, death, reincarnation
Kalithasi               sea, monsoons
Kalman                  vegetation, Asanda river
Kanaphusi		thieves, combat, trade, spies ("the whisperer")
Karut                   thought
Khauran                 time, destiny
Khridasa                medicine, healing
Kritya                  pranks
Ksharyah                war, bloodshed
Kurya                   peace, prosperity
Lapitri                 demon of pain
Latehani                pacifism
Lukya, also Bhajyagwan  betrayal, lies
Mahamatya               spiritualism, meditation
Mahanaga                ruler of dragons and nagas
Maravidya               necromancy
Mata                    many talents, justice
Mavasa                  temptation
Milidhan                agility, sharp sight
Minuratha               the sea, travel
Nauman                  riddles, games, tactics
Nikhi                   night, darkness
Palatrikana             air magic
Panesha                 hedonism
Parjana                 counseling, advising
Parjani                 good heroes
Paulanah                architecture
Pitari                  defending cities
Prisatha                law
Prithivi                earth
Puratha                 oceans, seas
Radhya                  mages
Rajudha                 self-sufficiency
Rathanasri              fire, desert
Rohin                   benevolent creatures
Sakasi                  demon of drowning and sacrifices
Shuma                   literature, knowledge
Sinbhada                sailors, voyages
Takhata                 horsemanship, storms
Talithi                 misfortune, ruin
Tanathasa               death, oblivion
Thauran                 honor, warriors
Tirasa                  music
Trisathi                justice, revenge
Twelve incarnations of Dhauragara       craftsmen
Uradhani                nature, fertility
Vadhana                 wise rule, kings
Vailanda                smiths, building
Valiryasi               love, beauty, passion
Vanyani                 war, conquest
Vaughara                wild beasts
Vrilatha                learning, study
Vrithanda               time, history
Yagharya                demon of plagues, disease, vengeance
Yainughu                demon of perversion
Yavadha                 divination, prophecy


Zeus                    Rulership, storms
Aphrodite               Love, beauty
Apollo                  Music, healing
Ares                    Battle
Artemis                 Hunting, forest creatures
Athena                  Civilisation
Demeter                 Agriculture
Dionysus                Wine, merriment
Gaea                    The world, monsters
Hades                   Death
Hecate                  Magic, the moon, darkness
Hephaestus              Creation
Hera                    Marriage
Hermes                  Travel, healing

Hollow world


Alphatia                Pacifism, artistry
Alphaks                 Destruction of Alphatia
Bemarris                Warriors
Palartarkan             Air magic
Razud                   Self-sufficiency, magic
Eiryndul		Elves, Mischief


The ten thousand rabbits

The Milenian empire

Halav                   Battle, opposing humanoids
Petra                   Protection, fighting clerics
Zirchev                 Wilderness

Neathar and Hinterlands

Diulanna                Willpower

Savage Coast

The savage baronies

The Judge               Justice
The General             Honour
The Inquisitor          Pride and correctness
The Ambassador          Diplomacy
Shaya                   Passion, swashbucklers
Fana                    War and conquest
Milan                   Seafarers and swashbucklers
Al-Kalim                Sages, courage (Saragon)
Ixion                   Fire (Narvaez)


Viuden                  Sky, storms, authority
Eirys                   Tricks
Cernuinn                Woodland beings
Fredar                  Nobility of deed
Fredara                 Honourable actions, planning
Nyt                     Death and reincarnation
Tiuz                    The One-handed, wisdom
Kagyar                  Metalworking
Lokar                   Flames, mischief, lies
Donar                   Warriors


Breig                   Head of the pantheon, druids
Arduinna                Willpower, archery, hunting
Belnos                  Healers, traders, travelers
Belsamas                Forging, metalwork, construction, dwarves
Cernuinn                Forests, songs, poetry, bards, woodlands beings
Leug                    Demihumans, wisdom, the arts
Nyt                     Death, reincarnation
Taranos                 Skies, storms, mighty lightnings
Tuatis                  Warriors


Eneban                  Diplomacy, intrigue
Shaibuth                Trickery
Yehm                    Wit, freedom of thought
Shaya                   Romance
Negyavim                Wizardary, greed

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