Session Start: Sat Feb 03 09:17:49 2001 [09:17] *** Now talking in #rpg2
[09:17] <kasin> hi
[09:17] <kasin> forgot CDs, had to go and get them [09:17] <Hannes> HI
[09:18] <Hannes> ok
[09:18] <kasin> I have version 1.00, we should be able to play together with that version [09:18] <Hannes> ok
[09:18] <kasin> what is your ip?
[09:18] <Hannes> Here at home?
[09:19] <kasin> whereever you are
[09:19] <Hannes> How do I find out again? [09:19] <kasin> not sure...
[09:20] <kasin> I could use my IP, but I'd have to poke a hole in the firewall for it [09:20] <Hannes> Ah...
[09:20] <Hannes> Can you ping me or something. Use my 'whois' address? [09:20] <Hannes> Should give you IP.
[09:20] -> [Hannes] PING
[09:21] -> [Hannes] FINGER
[09:21] <Hannes> I actually meant ping in unix, not in IRC [09:21] <kasin> how can I ping you?
[09:21] <kasin> i need your hostname or IP to ping you on [09:22] <Hannes> Yes, you ca get hostname from whois [09:22] <Hannes> Hannes is [email protected] * Hannes [09:22] <Hannes> Hannes on @#rpg2
[09:22] <Hannes> Hannes using EuroNet Internet's IRC Server [09:22] <Hannes> Hannes has been idle 11 secs, signed on Sat Feb 03 08:54:28 [09:22] <kasin> got it
[09:23] <kasin>
[09:23] <Hannes> Yep.
[09:23] <kasin> I shall try and conenct to D2 on that IP... [09:23] <Hannes> OK... I'll start D2 then... [09:23] <kasin> okies
[09:24] *** glennb has joined #rpg2
[09:24] <glennb> hiya
[09:24] *** Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Feb 03 09:24:34 2001