Company of the White Wolf

4 mages
2 apprentices
5 clerics

668 light foot (leather, shield, sword)
212 heavy foot (chainmail, sword, shield)
304 archers (short bow, leather, short sword)
44 mounted archers (short bow, leather, sword)
94 light horse (leather, sword, lance)
14 foot scouts
8 horse scouts


2 captains      200/300/month
1 navigator     200/month

40 sailors
4 cooks
2 smiths 50gp/month
2 apprentices

flying war galley
troop transport
50 spare war horses
8 spare normal horses


  1. Capt Jarandros (Lt foot)
  2. Lt Hadian (Heavy foot)
  3. Lt Clovis Septimus (Lt foot)
  4. Lt Khalid al Tahir (light horse)
  5. Lt Sacha (Fe Lt foot)
  6. Lt Robert Zendros (Archers)
  7. Sub-lt Demetria Rufinus (Fe Lt foot)
  8. [Sargeant Circe]



Pay rates (gp/month)

Total upkeep of non-combatants: 892
Total upkeep of combatants: 29,368

Total upkeep: 30,260

Cost each (gp/month)
Light foot: 16
Heavy foot: 40
Mounted archers: 60
Light horse: 60
(Note these prices are higher than normal, but that reflects the higher than normal skill level of the troops, being battle hardened)

Average light foot soldier: 2gp pay, 2gp upkeep per week (6/month for food/non-equipment) Average private light foot: 1gp pay, 1 gp upkeep
Average recruit light foot: 1 gp upkeep, no pay

Average heavy foot soldier: 5gp pay, 5gp upkeep
Average private heavy foot: 2.5gp pay, 2.5 gp upkeep
Average recruit heavy foot: 2.5 gp upkeep, no pay

mounted archers:                30gp upkeep (20 horse, 10 person) +30 pay
mounted private archers:        20gp upkeep                       +10 pay
mounted recruit archers:        15 upkeep (share horses)           +0 pay

light horse as per mounted archers

ship captain (galley) 300/month

ship captain          200/month
navigator             200/month

sailor                  12/month (6 upkeep)
marine                  24/month (8 upkeep)

Horse, war maint: 10 gp/month in a herd
horse, riding: 5 gp/month in a herd

Cash on hand:
337,338 gp in Jewelry
15,000 in assorted cash

Garen (as under CHAOS, when 45 was an average stat)

Looks: 42

Am 61
Co 81
Sk 102
St 101

Ch 58
In 34(51)
Wi 60
Ws 40

Ag 76
Dx 46
En 76
Pc 37

Best skills: sword rank 10 (137), defense rank 7 (36).

Special abilities: calming aura, gift of tongues

Magical items:
Suit armour +10
Shield of reflection

A few names:
Jokana: wife (Bardiche, Ring of protection +1) Delia: Thyatian commander of the Hinterlands, Hu Fe cleric of Tarastia N'gota: Native 'interpreter' and guide, actually chief of Raven clan Lady Halia: Ruler of verge
Lord Retameron: Ruler of verge
Skada: bad guy in the bottle city

Very wilful, priestess of Duilanna. Tends to not wear a lot. Uses a spear (now a bardiche called 'Comets edge'. Looks of 98. Has a mental bond with Garen.

A few things Garen / the company has done:

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Glenn Butcher / knight