Changes to the 3rd edition rules - New feats
Mystara regional feats (known world)
They may only be taken as the first level feat, although some are also general
feats (and listed in the general splatbook list of feats). Apply for their descriptions.
- Alphatia: Inscrutibility, Inherent confidence
- Atruaghan clans (horse): Saddleback (FRCS)
- Darokin: Mercantile background (PGF), political background
- Ethengar: Militia experience (FRCS), born in the saddle
- Glantri: Political background
- Glantri (Aalban): Militia experience (FRCS)
- Glantri (Berghoven): Inherent confidence
- Heldannic Freeholds (non-knights): Luck of Heroes (FRCS)
- Ierendi: Political background, Sea legs (FB)
- Minrothad guilds: Mercantile background, Sea legs (FB)
- Northern Reaches (Soderfjord jarldoms): Independant outlook, Cold endurance (FB)
- Northern Reaches (Ostland): Glib tongue, Sea legs (FB)
- Northern Reaches (Vestland): Cold endurance (FB), Giant slayer
- Rockhome: Focused attention, Industrious outlook
- Serraine: Inquisitive drive
- Sind: Militia experience (FRCS), Desert dweller
- Thyatis (Pearl islands): glib tongue
- Thyatis (Kerendas): Saddleback (FRCS)
- Thyatis (Hattias): Inherent confidence
- Thyatis (Ochalea): Inscrutibility
- Wendar: Inscrutibility
- Ylaruam: Focused attention, Saddleback (FRCS), Desert dweller
Optional idea: Fighters from some cultures which would never use heavy
armour may swap the proficiency in medium and heavy armour for one
culturally appropriate feat as chosen by the DM. The lack of proficiency
would carry over to other classes they may pick up which would normally
have proficiency in medium and heavy armour. For example, a Ethengar
warrior would gain born in the saddle as the feat.
FRCS = Forgotten realms campaign sourcebook
FB = frostburn
PGF = player's guide to Faerun
Glenn Butcher / knight