The People of Karameikos: Traladaran: Males average height: 5'9" [58 + 2d10 inches] Females average height: 5'7" [56 + 2d10 inches] The Traldar tend to be a superstitious people, and believe in the reading of entrails, tea leaves, the evil eye, etc. Many Traladarans see the Thyatians as money hungry oppressors. Even though the majority of the population is Traldaran, the court language is Thyatian, so most people under thirty speak it, with a distinct Traladaran accent. Thyatian: Males average height: 5'11" [60 + 2d10 inches] Females average height: 5'9" [58 + 2d10 inches] The empire of Thyatis is one of the largest cultural centres, so many Thyatians feel that they are superior to the mostly illiterate, superstitious Traldars. Many feel that speech with a Traladaran accent denotes a lack of intelligence. The national spirit: While Thyatians and Traladarans have their differences, when confronting others they tend to stick together, calling themselves Karameikans. Karameikan warriors believe themselves the best in the world (and there is plenty of evidence proving this). Karameikans know their nation doesn't have the sophistication of Glantri or Thyatis, but they say that sophistication is just another term for decadence. Karameikans of Traladaran decent know that they have withstood the worst that can be thrown at them (see History- the song of Halav). They believe that Karameikos will again become the greatest nation in the known world. Thyatians living here have come to believe this as well. The Shearing Ceremony: When a Karameikan youth approaches adulthood, either he will approach his parents, or they will come to him. However, waiting until your parents come to you is considered quite embarrassing. Young women are not sheared, but most adventurous types do it anyway, as it is a good way to earn respect from your family. After a family dinner, the youth stands while the family outfit him with travelling equipment. The bottom of the cloak is raggedly cut off to signify the impoverished traveller. From that time, the youth is considered a friend of the family, but not a member. He must live apart and prove his ability to earn his fortune. Being an adventurer or a trader for several years is considered proof. After that, the youth is invited to another dinner at which point he is welcomed back into the family, and given a cloak with the family crest, if they have one. Even members of the royal family are sheared, although youths from noble families are considered not to be titled until they return. Shearing is generally done at the age of 14-19. Social Class (Human): Roll on the following table d100 Status Wealth Rating 01-30 Penniless x0.25 ULC Upper Lower Class 31-60 Struggling x0.5 LMC Lower Middle Class 61-75 Comfortable x1 MMC Middle Middle Class 76-85 Wealthy/Untitled x5 UMC Upper Middle Class 86-95 Wealthy/Titled x5 LUC Lower Upper Class 96-97 Very Wealthy/Untitled x10 LUC Lower Upper Class 98-99 Very Wealthy/Titled x10 MUC Middle Upper Class 00 Royal Family x100 UUC Upper Upper Class Race (Human): Add half the roll of the previous table and roll again d100 Race 01-70 Traladaran 71-90 Mixed 90+ Thyatian Race (Elven): d100 01-95 Callarii 96-00 Vyvalia Home town (Human): d20 01-07 Homestead 08-10 Village/Town 11-13 Kelvin 14-16 Silverlune 17+ Specularum Modifiers: Cleric (Athena/Lighthaft) +4 Knight (Athena/Lighthaft) +4 Druid -4 Mage +4 Comfortable +2 Wealthy +4 Very Wealthy +6