Kagyar (Eternal of Matter) Ka-Gar, The Artisan, Flasheyes Alignment: NG or TN Sex: Male AD&D Plane: The Outlands Race: Brute Man Clerical Alignment: Any Followers Alignment: Any Required Abilities: Wisdom 9 Weapons Allowed: Axes and Hammers Spells Granted: All (Major) Charm (Major) Creation (Major) Divination (Major) Elemental Earth (Major) Guardian (Major) Healing (Major) Necromantic (Major) Protection (Major) Granted Powers: Infravision 60' +1 to Saves vs. Spells, at 9th level this ability becomes identical to the Mystic's Resistance ability. [The cleric automatically recieves half damage from spells, no damage if a successful save is made.] +1 to Saves vs. Rod, Staves, and Wands. Detect unusual stonework as a Dwarf, if the cleric is a Dwarf he is automatically successful if actively examining the masonry, otherwise the normal chances to succeed apply, even if the Dwarf does not actively search. Clerics of Kagyar automatically recieve the Artistic Ability Trait. Characters with this trait may perform simple artistic tasks, sketching maps, molding small figures, even without proficiency in these matters. Characters who take proficiency in an art form are able to create exceptional works of art worth up to 50% more than normal. Symbol: A crossed hammer and chisel. Interests: The Arts, Dwarves, Brute Men Worshipped in: Rockhome, Brute Man territories, artisan societies or guilds