Zim and Lani are now both full liches.

Grey updates the Rajahirajah. Grey also contacts Roland via sending, who confirms that heÕs being treated well.

The day crawls past slowly.

We get a message from Annabella. Their employer has agreed to meet us Ð they wish to meet on a hill in "these mountains." We get to pick the hill.

We power up on defensive spells, then teleport in, find a hill, and let them know where we are.

Lani knows a bit about dragons. Generally, some types are usually good or evil. However, particular types of dragons are always lawful, or chaotic, etc. White dragons are of the neutral bent. White dragons are often evil. Krikk, of course, might be different.

We contact them via sending, and they send a contingent to us. They bring Hari.

The contingent consists of nine creatures. There are six people in full plate with greatswords and lances on horseback (not apparently regulars of the mercenary group), Maximus, and two large lions (one is a dire lion).

Hari is with them.

We begin discussions. He is obviously telling lies on several points, particularly when it comes to the question of invading Sind. He says they are not interested in invading Sind. The mercenaries are just here to train their men to help secure and protect their borders.

Safranna says that one of their lions is awakened.

We discuss resigning the agreement, but decide to delay for now. We will resign at the next meeting, where we can trade back the hostages. At this point, as a party, we discuss ambushing them instead, to try to put an early end to the war.

We teleport back with Hari.

Grey meets with is Rajahirajah, who would like to think on the matter before allowing me to conduct a preliminary strike.

Grey arranges the purchase of the spell Teleport Block. Lani and Zim learn the spell.

Grey meets with the Rajahirajah, who looks burdened by the decision.

The Rajahirajah assigns Grey a budget of 15000 gold for the hiring of mercenaries, to help take out Maximus if need be.

However, we will try to get the treaty first, to find Krikk first.

We meet up with the bear again. Unfortunately, we donÕt get to exchange the prisoners, not until after weÕve signed the treaty. We get the treaty, and teleport back.

The Rajahirajah casts Discern Location on the treaty, for Krikk: location, temporary encampment of the blue eye warriors, in, central Krikksland. Hmm.

We decide to go for the ambush. We buy some wands and potions and scrolls first, for defensive reasons.

We teleport in, and do the prisoner exchange, and the treaty exchange.

Zim does the detect shapeshifter. There is an overwhelming aura somewhere in the vicinity, but this ends the spell, unfortunately.

We teleport away to our ambush staging area, and start preparing.

Rih, who is watching them, invisible, observes that theyÕve made a small camp, and have started having lunch.

We move to engage. Unfortunately, theyÕre ready. In fact, theyÕve brought backup. On their side: six people in full plate on horses, Annabella, an elf with a bow, the mercenary mage, Jishnu (mercenary leader), and a dragon. They also have two (summoned?) celestial dire bears.

Combat ensues.

The battle doesnÕt go well for us. Krikk deals massive amounts of damage against us, and Turia is dimensional anchored.

Grey removes the dimensional anchor from Turia, and she plane shifts away.

Further combat ends up with Grey down and dying, after being pinned by Krikk.

Combat continues, with a sort of lull occurring, with no significant gains on either side.

Then with a little more combat, Safranna and Roland bash Maximus to death.

Then Grey dies Ð having Krikk sitting on him didnÕt help.

Against all odds, Rih manages to wriggle his way free of Krikk.

Safranna is bashed down to very few hit points. She flees, and is almost hit by Krikk, but manages to evade the blow, thanks to Leo and Rih aiding her, and the globs of tanglefoot messing up KrikkÕs attacks.

Roland, whoÕs also been almost bashed to death by Krikk, lay on hands himself, and runs away, following Safranna.

Zim gets killed by Krikk.

The only person here now is Lani, and her summoned monsters who are trying to push Krikk into a prismatic wall.

Leo pushes ZimÕs body onto the carpet of flying, and starts to fly away.

Lani gets into some trouble, with two of the mercenaries trying to kill her. Then Krikk flies over, and kills her as well.

The only creature remaining on our side is Rih. Rih runs away with one of GreyÕs items.

The only people from the party to escape include Leo, Rih, Turia (wherever she is), Safranna, and Roland (and ZimÕs equipment).