We decide to rest and rememorise.

Before doing so, we organise the villagers to go to the Graven Ones' keep. However, in doing so we were informed that two travellers arrived separately. One, an orc boy, has since left and hasn't been seen again. The other has remained with the villagers, and has pumped them for information regarding recent events.

Lani summons an Avoral Guardinal to check out the travellers, and it reports that none have the taint, although the orc traveller has a moral taint.

I check out the traveller for magic, and he has a fair bit of magic. I get Rih to stare at him, and determine that he has various faint and moderately magical items.

We try to subdue him, where Lani cast polymorph other at him, but he resisted. With amazing speed, he reacts, and attacks with his hands. He's an evil monk. In his first attack, he stuns Tess, and says with but a thought he can kill Tess.

We discuss the matter, and he leaves. He says he can kill Tess with a thought during any time up to a week.

We get to the keep, rest, and rememorise. Lani casts dismissal on the captured orc, the one who was tainted. However, he resisted. We discuss whether we should cast banishment. I try banishment, and am successful. The taint is banished. Unfortunately, he doesn't remember anything.

We rest and rememorise (finally).

Meanwhile Erepoth summons an Avoral Guardinal to check out everyone for the taint. Unfortunately, Lani is tainted. Combat ensues.

Lani gets blasted. Tess throws Ada the net on Lani, whereupon Ada starts feeling her up.

Lani then teleports away. I start casting a sending. Before I can finish the sending, in fact very soon after I start casting sending, some of us notice an invisible Lani a short distance away. I dispel Lani's invisibility, but it was just a projected image.

Lani summons a bebilith into the courtyard. The bebilith kills many orc peasants before the party kills it. Meanwhile, Grey moves into melee range with Lani, disrupting her spells.

The rest of the party moves up, ganging up on tainted Lani. Grey grapples her. Tess helps out. The party subdues Lani.

Later, after Erepoth learns banishment from Lani's spellbook, she casts banishment at Lani, and is successful.

Lani is returned to normal. Tess starts looking around for Ada, but doesn't know where he is.

We do some more sendings to Ada, but don't find out much other than that it's in a misty forest somewhere.

(date correction occurs + 6 weeks).

We somehow manage to rest and rememorise, and no-one else seems to be infected.

We cast beef-up spells. We head in to the fane.

Grey tries the blood, and finds out the latest message, that being the Glabrezu is prepared to repel the intruders, and that the second set of sacrifices is being prepared.

We reenter the fane. Our first task is to find another one of the red pentagrams.

Tess scouts out the throne room, and finds the bebilith on the throne, berating some vrocks. The vrocks leave, and the bebilith remains on the throne.

We prepare a surprise attack, and attack. We summon a bebilith (Lani), but unfortunately, it gets away quickly. We get attacked by other fluff demons instead.

Vrocks and a rare, big demon called a Goristro, which is vaguely minotaur-like, also attacks. We beat the creatures up. The bebilith got away, as did another vrock.

We rush further in, and head down the stairs toward the next pentagram. Before getting there, we get engaged by four trolls. Armed with huge greatswords, and full plate armour. Bugger.

Grey and Safranna are in the front rank, and engage the trolls. The battle is tough, and the trolls are difficult to kill, particularly since they regenerate.

During the battle, the monk we fought earlier appears. Tess teleports away. The monk then kills Safranna, who was badly wounded. Grey puts up a wall of force, but the monk gets past. The glabrezu then appears.

Trolls continue to regenerate.

The glabrezu teleports past the wall of force. Lani banishes it.

Grey acids the corpses a couple of times. The trolls look like they'll still get back up, but not soon.

Grey and Lani's elemental attack the monk.

The monk runs away, unfortunately.

Grey massively acids the trolls, so they don't ever get back up again.