I have decided that employing bodyguards may be a good idea, since I'm hoping for a quick resolution to the conflict. A little extra expenditure may well be wise.

To this end, after enquiring of bodyguards from the legionate, a bodyguard via a sending earlier this night contacted me. I am to meet him tomorrow, in the foyer of the merchants guild, Darokin city, midmorning.

The meeting with the bodyguards was productive. Unfortunately, they are not cheap, coming in at 2000 gold per week each. Their prices rose when they realised I was expected to be attacked any time. However, they seem well skilled, with means of detecting invisible creatures, spells, and the like. A divination indicated they are reliable, which was sufficient confirmation, especially since they have excellent references.

I have hired a warrior and a priest for my protection, and a warrior and mage for Lord Garan's protection.

We launched an attack on Palkat today. Unfortunately, the Sindhi in the city fought fairly hard, which is not unexpected, and they were prepared. We certainly lack the element of surprise, unfortunately.

The baronies mercenaries fought well, even though they did not require the use of their legacies.

We suffered 100 deaths. Unfortunately, the Sindhi in the city suffered several hundred casualties. Hule has lost perhaps 500 men. There are several hundred Hule troops, and a couple of hundred Sindhi troops, scattered around the city.

Only 10% of the Sindhi troops have joined our cause.

I made a number of sendings today, asking resistance members to spread rumours of my forces, clarifying our purpose, and in an attempt to counter the lies Hule is spreading about us.

Unfortunately, we've suffered a setback.

We made to drop off the prisoners in Davania today, but discovered a little problem. It appears that there were more undead there than we first thought. We only figured there to be some minor undead, zombies and the like, given what we'd seen earlier in our visits to the city, and from what we'd heard from Midnight.

However, it appears that upon nightfall, more undead appear. A lot more. The prisoners were, of course, unarmed, and some of the undead, such as ghouls and shadows, were a tad difficult for them to handle, and wooden improvised weapons didn't work too well.

Also, it appears that a number (if not all) of the prisoners that were captured have themselves been turned into undead.

Melany and Thora and some others will be staying to recover as many survivors as they can. The estimate is for 250 survivors of a possible 1500. That's a lot of new undead in the city.

Damn. We're going to have to put the prisoners somewhere else now, inconveniently. It'll just have to be in Latehar.

The survivors will be kept separate from the other prisoners. No need for word to spread.

We'll have to return here after Sind is dealt with, and remove the undead by way of atonement, and then completely cleanse the entire city. It is the least we can do.

We arrived and received the surrender of Sindrj, a small city in Azdagal.

Today we obtained the surrender of Asandapur, a small city in Putnabad.

We shuffled around the prisoners today, ensuring that the 25 survivors are kept separate. They have been given particularly pleasant conditions. Unfortunately, some of them have been driven insane.

One of the survivors spoke to us today, telling us that whilst in Davania, some mages teleported in and recovered some of the officers. They would have informed them of our means of transport. However, our use of illusions should render their information somewhat inaccurate.

Unfortunately, the prisoner was not really a prisoner. He cast either word of recall or teleport after being lead away. Shortly after, something inside the building we were using exploded somewhat violently. Fortunately, we had evacuated by then. He clearly just wanted to provide a teleport coordinate to his buddies.

There were no deaths.

We lead an assault on Khamrati today. It was not an easy battle. They were prepared, and the Sindhi fought hard, as their honour dictated.

We suffered 353 deaths (including three priests). The enemy suffered 500 deaths, the rest being taken prisoner.

The Rajah of Jhengal (where Khamrati is) has placed his forces at our disposal.

Out of paranoia, we asked Leo why Hule has not mobilised their forces. It appears it is because there is simply not military advantage to doing so.

We have decided it may be best to attack the capital if possible. We have dealt with all of the easy cities, and any further assaults are, like Khamrati, likely to result in high casualties with little gain.

To this end I have enquired of the Legionate the possibility of borrowing some Darokin forces. He has indicated he must speak to his Navashi, and that I should contact him tomorrow.

I picked up Roasline and Aiden today. They'll be useful.

I managed to get in touch with a freedom warrior. My contact in Sayr Ulan was able to provide a description of two freedom warriors that were sentenced to death, but managed to escape with some assistance.

We have agreed to exchange some people as a gesture of goodwill, and to demonstrate our sincerity. The exchange takes place tomorrow.

We exchanged pleasantries with a freedom warrior today. All went well, even though he lied a couple of times. He no doubt did so to protect himself. We trust his sincerity.

I believe he is quite high up in the freedom warriors. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew the Rajahdhirajah himself. This freedom warrior, who calls himself the Hound, speaks quite well.

He has informed us that the Sindhi soldiers in the capital will fight for us, not Hule. There are meant t be three to four thousand.

The Hound has informed us of Hules forces in Sayr Ulan. The only specifically unpleasant force is the Legion of Doom. They are lead by a mage, have two regiments of light cavalry, two short regiments of priests, a regiment of 40 stone giants, and two regiments of light infantry. Not good. They reside in the palace.

In addition, Hule has 10 flying ships in the area. Each flying ship is crewed by archers. The flying ships move when the oars move. Skeletons man the oars.

Later in the day I contacted the Legionate. Darokin will lend 1160 men, if it is for a decisive battle. This is good.

In addition, Gurzurk has found a force of 600 dwarven mercenaries that I will hire.

We can expect the arrival of Xenith at the end of the month. The completion of the aerial magics in the catacombs in Sind is expected to be on the fifth day of the next month.

Time is short. We can mount an assault on the capital with over 9000 troops, which will be joined by the Sindhi already in the capital. We can expect to fight 5500 Hule troops outside the walls, and a little over 2000 men within the palace itself.

We shall attack on the first day of the next month.

In the next week we shall work on integrating our troops.

Lord Garan will be using his flying ship for this one.

We attack midmorning tomorrow. The Hound has been busy making preparations.

To reduce confusion, our troops will display coloured armbands on their arms.

I have given Xenith a number of potions, to assist in his battles. I have also placed a number of potions on the Falcon for use with the vase.

I had a priest perform a divination, augury-style.

The Pantheon indicates that with great risk comes great reward. The giant is slow to waken, but waken it does.

I am not sure of the meaning of the latter part. Either the giant is a literal term, meaning some big nasty thing, or it is symbolic, and refers to Hule taking a while to respond.