We spent a bit of the afternoon trying to decide where we should go next. In the end, we decided we will stay with the Phanatu for a while, for several reasons. The first of these is that the colony has a prison, which is where Henry was probably being kept. We figure that Henry would be rather objectionable to going back to that area, so we can stay for a week or two until he recovers (if he recovers) from his present insanity.

Furthermore, staying in the Phanatu city is probably safe. It'll give us a chance to identify this mirror we've picked up. I'm already guessing that it may be able to scry on things.

Oh, we also managed to convince our Phanatu escort to not slaughter a group of Harathians that have wandered into their territory. Lani noticed them whilst she was doing some aerial scouting (her sharp eyesight no doubt helped - she really can be quite perceptive). Apparently the group is a family, looking for a lost son. It didn't really seem fair for the Phanatu to kill them, so we argued that their deaths would serve no purpose.

Interestingly, it sounds as though the entire (all one hundred years of it) war is quite unecessary. It appears that it all started when the Phanatu stole some of the Harathian spiders - they don't know what stealing is, they thought they were just there for the taking. It took some explaining to reason out why the Harathians didn't take to this too well. Although it sounds like the Harathians didn't try talking to the Phanatu. Perhaps they are arrogant, and simply viewed the little racoon people as one of their previous mistakes (the Harathians often make races for specific purposes - often they stuff up too, for example, creating a race of excellent builders that have no concept of architecture or engineering).

Well, instead the Phanatu have captured the Harathian family. I must admit, I first thought the Harathians might be out to get us, but they do appear to be what they say they are.

We first thought that maybe we could try to open up diplomatic channels between the Harathians and the Phanatu with this gesture. However, it appears that in the no magic week, the Phanatu kind of sacked the Harathians capitol. They were trying to kill the Harathian kill, but failed. But the Phanatu did not needlessly slaughter any Harathians. Enter the Gatermen. Lizard warrior mages. They did slaughter a large number of people, and sacked a number of Harathian cities. The Phanatu estimate perhaps thirty- to fifty-thousand were killed - that includes the ones that the Gatermen ate. Of course, the young and innocent were included. Sounds like the Harathians have been having a bad time of it recently.

Oh, the Phanatu do no of the place called Wallara, as mentioned in the scrap of paper we found with the mirror. It appears to be the plains we flew over - the plains inhabited by the dragon worshippers.

We have arrived (again) at the Phanatu capitol. They are quite happy to let us stay here for however long we need.

The Harathians were released earlier today. The Phanatu agreed that it was worth while letting them go (they scared them enough to hopefully convince others to not come back). I spoke a bit with the Harathians (as did some of the others). They do seem to sincerely want their son back. The Phanatu will search for him, and then escort him back to the border.

And the Harathians. Well, they consider the Phanatu to be vermin. I could not convince them otherwise. My general impression of the Harathian attitude is that they are a bunch of narrow minded gits that deserve whatever fate awaits them. If they aren't willing to reason logically, well, that's their tough luck. Basically, the Phanatu need not be a threat to them, but in their arrogance, they have ensured the Phanatu are a threat. I thought mages were meant to be more intelligent than this.

Lani did an identify on the mirror today. We should know the results tomorrow, when she recovers from her unconscious state.

Aha! The mirror is extremely useful. I also did an identify, to try and verify its properties. It has been indicated that there are more properties that are yet to be identified, but we seem to have gotten most of the important ones. The properties are:

        Can scry on people or places
        Can scry on a place one has already seen physically
        Got the command word (sounds very musical)
        It acts as a targeting device for the star device
        Can be used by mages or priests with access to divination
        Its use is subject to crystal ball limitations
        Subjects have a chance of noticing the scrying, based on
        Cannot cast any spells through the device
        Can use in combination with the focus device when using the

star device

Most useful. I must admit that originally I had thought the star device to be completely useless to us. However, perhaps we will be able to get all the required items to use it. We do know that it is capable of destroying the sundered man. I wonder how powerful the star device is, and how often it can be used. Whatever the case, even without the star device, this item is most useful for scrying. Given it can even scry on a place, so long as one has visited that place. Well, no need to point out how good that is.

Oh, on the side, we asked Leo about where the boy was hiding. He was in one of the spider pens, though he didn't say why. He managed to get in by using an illusion, but couldn't get out again. He was completely naked, and a bit dirty until I cantrip'ed him clean. Apparently it is not uncommon for humans to turn up in the Phanatu's spider pens. Usually they appear to be adults, presumably there to spy. Usually they are killed, although the Phanatu let this boy go.

Ack. Henry woke us up with some screaming last night. He appeared to be in great pain. No wonder. His hands were all swollen up. They were also moving in ways which hands should not be able to move. Basically, they are warped. The webbing does appear to be receding though. Perhaps he is just getting better. Time will tell. I'm just glad it's him who's cursed, not me.

The Phanaton shaman helped ease his pain, but this morning his hands were again swollen up, and he was quite obviously suffering from a great deal of pain. The webbing has receded more.

Henry appears to be a bit better today.

I am surprised at the speed of Henry's recovery. Yesterday, he was still, for all intensive purposes, a raving lunatic. Today, he is a perfectly sane, healthy man.

He seems fairly decent to me. Apparently he is a mercenary, and he must be quite a good one, for he is in his thirties. He said he is a mercenary sergeant. At any rate, he explained that he was wrongly accused of murdering a shop assistant. He was sentenced to the colony on the horn, from which he managed to escape, but of course with no cynnabryl. Personally, I believe that he must have been wrongly accused; even during his insanity he maintained his innocence.

He remembers everything during his insane period. Including all we had discussed of the mine. Perhaps we can hire him out as a guard there, but only if the mine turns out successful. In the meantime, we will allow him to journey with us. He will certainly be very handy if we get into a fight. As a warrior, he is certainly better than I.

Henry was reluctant to go back to the colony. He is worried that someone might recognise him. However, Zhi has assured him that he will be able to disguise his appearance. Oh, of course Roland was all for having a retrial, but understandably, Henry would prefer not to take that risk.

Out of interests sake, Zim tried scrying on an Enduk he had met a while ago (several others in the party had also met him). Given that the Enduk are at war with the man scorpions, it didn't come as much surprise to see him standing on some cities outer wall, fighting back an attack by man scorpions. He didn't look terribly worried.

We leave for the ship today. The Phanatu have been kind enough to provide us with the same escort of fifteen elite Phanatu warriors.

We asked Leo another question today (he really is very useful). Mina Do Sol is a cynnabryl mine (so evidently there is another deposit 31 miles southwest of it). It is currently being fought over by several of the baronies.

This complicates matters. We could sell the information for hard, immediate cash, but we'd be able to make more in the long run if we had a share of the mine. But there would likely be problems with several of the baronies wanting to take the mine instead of letting some independent operation reap the rewards. At least the deposit land is in the unclaimed region of the baronies.

Henry suggested that we could hire his company to control the area. He said given his contacts, it shouldn't be that hard, even though they are likely being employed at the present moment in the conflict over Mina Do Sol. Given we don't have the resources by ourselves, this might be a difficult operation. It surely must be costly to set up a mine. Henry also suggested that perhaps we could sell the information to him, let him run the operation, and we could get a percentage of the profits. We certainly wouldn't want to run the mine ourselves, given that we'd end up being cursed, and the curse is quite nasty.

So, sell to Henry, and get a cut of the profits, or sell to one of the Baronies for a quick lump sum payment. It's a hard choice, added to the fact that we aren't sure how much we can trust Henry.

Someone did mention the possibility of also getting Jose and Martin involved. This could be a good idea. We'll have to contact them later, and find out what it is they can offer (other than a ship to transport the stuff).

Hmm. Turia made some comment about being tied down. That in some ways, she really wouldn't mind it, and that she'd have to discuss it with me. Zhi also commented that he knows someone who could sell us velvet rope. Ah, the look on Roland's face at these comments. He looked like was about to have a heart attack.

We have arrived back on the ship today, and are presently heading back to the colony on the horn. I must say, I'm glad the party ended up deciding to go by ship back to the colony. Although I voted for walking, being on ship feels quite pleasant really. Oh, the boat really is being thrown about in the rough winter weather, but I don't feel even slightly sick. Admittedly, some of the others look like they'll be very grateful when they get back to land, but in the meantime, I think I'll enjoy this little trip.

We are still not sure what to do with the mine. It seems like a good idea to wait until we have more information, such as how reliable Henry is. Although I believe in his innocence (the others want this verified), I'm not sure how much I would trust him.

We arrived at the horn today. We've had some discussions about the cynnabryl deposit. At the moment, it seems more likely that we won't go in for the risk, and instead sell the information, although that too sounds like it may be risky (consider someone who decided they didn't really want to pay for the information).

I contacted Martin today, to see if he and Jose are interested in this cynnabryl deposit business. Not suprisingly, he said he could help. They are presently staying in Porto Preto (a coastal city in one of the baronies), and intend to winter there. He suggested we could meet to discuss it sometime after winter. Given we'd prefer to meet earlier, we said we would try to fly there, although we weren't certain of how safe that would be.

We'll do what we can.

Zhi wants to have a party tonight. Well, can't hurt I guess, though his reason for celebrating didn't sound very convincing to me.

Well, today has been very busy indeed. Very.

I may as well recount things in the order they occurred. The first news is minor. The party last night was ok, though I'm a bit too high strung at the moment to relax properly (I didn't drink much). Turia decided to participate in the consummation of some herbs of a dubious nature, with Melany (Melany suggested we use them). They both giggled at nothing, and sung (badly) through the night. I'm amused that Turia decided to participate in this. I'm unlikely to ever want to try such a drug. I don't feel that mages would really be interested in mind altering drugs. We usually want our minds left alone.

In the morning, Gurzurk decided to determine Henry's alignment is. After many tries, he determined that Henry is the kind of person that would do things for personal gain. We then asked Leo whether Henry had committed the crime he was accused of, and the result was, yes he had. In fact, it was premeditated murder. Most disturbing. Well, that answered that question. Henry is not someone we want to trust.

Roland was all for confronting him then and there, but instead Zhi (a most useful fellow) ``arranged'' for someone to ``recognise'' Henry. This happened, and now Henry is back in prison. As part of the show, we of course all appeared surprised that someone ``recognised'' Henry, and asked if ``they are sure they have the right person''. Zhi even arranged for someone to cast maintain on Henry for a while, and told Henry that we would try to get him out, but that we would do so legally, so our first step would be to speak to the family of the murdered shop assistant. Of course, we aren't going to help him get out, but it's better for Henry to think we are on his side, and that his only chance for freedom is through us, so he really shouldn't start blabbing to anyone about the cynnabryl deposit.

Actually, one of the guards commented that Henry is one of the nastiest of those in the prison. Moreover, to get sent to the prison here, one has to be one nasty bastard in the first place. So there really isn't any doubt about Henry. He's a vicious murderer. Damn. He had me fooled. I'm obviously not paranoid enough.

Since we now have more reason to wrap up this mine business quickly, at Zim's suggestion, we arranged to have Nemon teleport us to Porto Preto. When we got there, Nemon looked like he was interested in the place, but evidently he was about to go to sleep, so he didn't hang around.

We chatted with Jose and Martin. At my suggestion, I had Lani memorise that spell which prevents eavesdropping on an area (namely via scrying). In short, Jose and Martin are interested, but before we cement a deal on who gets what, they will survey the area (which they will do ASAP). Having done that, we'll contact them again, and figure out what share we'll have. It's most likely we'll help with initial set up costs. Jose and Martin expect the total set up costs to be on the order of twenty thousand gold. With respect to security, fortunately Martin is familiar with how to arrange mercenaries. He commented that he had left all that behind. I suspect that it may be a bit of a touchy subject for him.

So far, so good, although there is lots of room for things to go wrong. But if we do things properly, hopefully all will be well. It'd be nice to have a steady income.

You know, the party really is lucky to have me do these sendings for them.

Oh, Jose and Martin hadn't heard of how Harath had been sacked. They did comment that they thought it unlikely that thirty to fifty thousand died, mostly because they didn't even know Harath had that large a population.

Good heavens. According to the Thyatian calendar, it's new years eve today. Honestly, time does seem to fly.